The July issue of Aesthetics Journal features exciting content from Nuchido CEO and Chief Scientist Dr Nichola Conlon. In the article Dr Conlon details the emergence of cellular ageing and how science now shows that ageing cannot only be slowed, but it can be reversed.
While ageing may physically be visible on the skin, it begins long before that at a cellular level. This cellular ageing process is characterized by key changes termed the ‘Hallmarks of ageing’. Research shows that these hallmarks can be targeted to slow the ageing process. Dr Conlon describes in detail what these hallmarks are and how molecules such as NAD+ can be used to slow cellular ageing.
The full article explores
• What is cellular ageing?
• What causes cellular ageing?
• Prevention of cellular ageing
• Treatment options for cellular ageing
The aesthetics industry is evolving with more treatments looking to tackle ageing at the root cause, at a cellular level. Going beyond just treating the physical manifestations of ageing but enhancing cellular health and helping patients to feel younger as well as look younger.
Turn to page 53 of the July issue to read the full article.